Artwork Title: Freedom

Year Created: 2020

Freedom is an emotionally charged and visually arresting artwork that dives deep into the heart of the human struggle for liberation. The piece was created in 2020, a year marked by widespread social upheaval, global protests, and a resurgence in the fight for equality and justice. Its central figure, caught in a raw moment of agony and defiance, speaks to the universal cry for freedom. With a noose around his neck, the figure symbolizes the historical weight of oppression—from slavery to modern-day systemic injustices—while embodying the resilience and courage to fight against these forces.

This artwork goes beyond mere depiction; it tells a story that stretches through time, addressing both historical wounds and current global struggles for autonomy and peace. The figure's open mouth screams against the silence imposed on marginalized voices, while the noose around the neck is a reminder of the millions who have been silenced. However, the presence of light emerging from behind suggests a powerful shift—the dawn of freedom after darkness, the transformation of suffering into empowerment.

The background is dense with hidden meaning. Amongst the hues of red and shadows, the artist has embedded 13 hidden elements, each representing different facets of the fight for freedom—ranging from symbols of protest and revolution to motifs of healing and rebirth. These elements invite the viewer to look closely, to search and discover the layers of meaning tucked within the artwork, mirroring the often hidden and complex nature of freedom's pursuit.

As an interactive component, a QR code attached to this piece will transport viewers to a curated Spotify playlist. The songs selected for this playlist were integral to the creation of Freedom, acting as a sonic backdrop to the artist’s process. Each track—whether anthems of resistance, hope, or liberation—contributes to the piece’s raw energy, deepening its narrative and connecting the viewer to the emotional landscape of freedom struggles throughout history.

Ultimately, Freedom is a call to action, urging viewers to reflect on the past, engage with the present, and continue the fight for a future where freedom is not just a dream, but a lived reality for all.